
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Healthy Diet

Every woman always want have a good body. they can be endeavor to be hard to get a good body. and now I will try to share my diets to you. to success in diets of course not easy. we must try and have high spirit. Then, the principal things in diet is we must be consistent to get success your diet, because we will confront many flirtation. there are many ways to get success diet. 
  1. We mush have physical exercise
           The physical exercise is very important to us, because without it we can't lose our fatty tissue.   Although we just do it in the 30 minutes/days.
    2.   Have a good pattern in eat

          Accustom have a good pattern in eat, because it can make the our metabolism be optimal. our metabolism of course need a certainty in work. with the optimal of our metabolism make less in fatty storage in our body.
    3.   Sleep on the time

That are the ways of my diets. in the three week, I can send down my fatty tissue in 3 kg. Sorry if the article is difficult to you and good luck for your diet. :)
Don't forget to write your comments in this articles yaaa :)  hihihi

Lesson Plan about Descritive Things

This is the my lesson plan about descriptive things. I hope it can help you to finish your assignment, because as a teacher we mush make a lesson plan if the teacher want to teaching. it make the teacher be easily in the teaching activities. 


Lesson Plan

 School                        :
 Skill                            :
 Class/semester            :
 Time allotment           :

A.    Standard Competence :
Understand meaning in a simple transactional and interpersonal conversation to interact with the environment.

B.     Basic Competences :
·         Responding meaning in simple short functional text accurately, fluently and acceptable to interact with the environment.
·         Active in the conversation about descriptive text.
·         Increase the knowledge about new vocabulary including adjectives, verb, adverb, and tenses.

C.    Indicators :
1.  Writing descriptive things.
2.  Understanding the use of simple present tense throughwriting a descriptive text.

D.    Character Values :
With the establishment of the indicators stated above the character values (creative and responsibility).

E.     Learning objectives :
1.      Based on the topic given, the students are able to write descritive text about “things”.
2.      By giving the explanation about Simple Present Tense, the students are able to understand the use of it by writing a descriptive text.

F.     Teaching Learning Material
Descriptive text
·      Definition
Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
·      The generic structure of descriptive text :
1.      Identification  : identifying the phenomenon to be described.
2.      Description      : describing the phenomenon in parts. Qualities, or/and characteristics.
·         Simple Present Tenses
Type of sentence
Positive (+)
·      S + V1 + s/es

·      S + to be (is/am/are) + O
·      I study English twice a week.
·      Rina orten study English at home.

·      I am a student.

·      She is a teacher.
Negative (-)
·      S + do/daes + not + V1

·      S + to be (is/am/are) + O
·         I don’t study English twice a week.
·         Rina doesn’t often study English at home.

·         I am not a student.

·         She is not a teacher.
Interrogative (?)
·      Do/does +S +V1?

·      To be (is/am/are) +S + O
·      Do you study English Twice a week?
·      Does Rina often study English at home?

·      Are you a student?
·      Is she a teacher?

G.    Method : PPP

H.    Teaching and Learning Process
Time Allotment
1. Pre-activity
·      Greeting the students.
·      Checking the students attendance.
·      Telling the objective of the lesson.
5 minutes
2. Main Activities
·      Give the explanation of the material like as the definition, example and rules of descriptive text about “things”.
·      Give the group exercise to write all the things in the classroom.
·      Give the individual exercise to write the descriptive text about one of the things that their group find.
50 minutes
3. Closing
·      The instructor provides overall feedback for the students.
·      The students and the teacher summarize the lesson.
·      The instructor motivates the students to keep learning and practicing their English.
·      The instructor says prayers and good bye
5 minutes

I.  Learning Resources
Sudarmi, Nengah. 2013. RPP SMP Kelas 7 Semester 1. Dikutip pada tanggal 13 Mei 2013 jam 21.00 dari